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beloved spouse always walks in my presence, seeking always to do my will, and directing all her works to my glory." This was also the practice of St. Teresa; for in whatever occupation she found herself she never lost sight of her beloved Lord.

If, then, you ask me how often in the day you should remember the presence of God, I will answer you with St. Bernard3 that you ought to remember it every moment. As there is not a moment, says the saint, in which we do not enjoy the benefits of God, so there is not a moment in which we should not remember God, and prove our gratitude. If you knew that the king was always thinking of you and of your welfare, though he should confer no real benefit, still you could not remember his affection without feeling an interior love for him. It is certain that your God is always thinking of you, and that he incessantly confers favors on you at one time by his lights, at another by internal helps, and again by loving visits. Is it not ingratitude in you to be forgetful of him for any length of time? It is then a duty to endeavor to remember always, or at least as often as we can, the divine presence.

This was the advice of the Lord to Abraham: Walk before me, and be perfect.[1] Endeavor to walk always in my presence, and you shall be perfect. Tobias gave the same advice to his son: All the days of thy life have God in thy mind.[2] My son, during your whole life keep God always before your eyes. The exercise of the divine presence St. Dorotheus recommended in a most special manner to his disciple, St. Dositheus, who besought him to tell him what he should do in order to be a saint:

  1. Gen. xvii. 1.
  2. Tob. iv. 6