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tellect; allow me to speak of the application of the will to the holy exercise of the divine presence. And it is necessary, first, to know that to remain always before God, with the mind always fixed on him, is the happy lot of the saints; but in the present state it is morally impossible to keep up the presence of God without interruption. Hence we should endeavor to practise it to the best of our ability, not with a solicitous inquietude and indiscreet effort of the mind, but with sweetness and tranquillity.

There are three means of facilitating the application of the will to this exercise.

I. The first method consists in frequently raising the heart to God, by short but fervent ejaculations, or loving affections towards God, present with us. These may be practised in all places and in all times, in walking, at work, at meals, and at recreation. These affections may be acts of election, of desire, of resignation, of oblation, of love, of renunciation, of thanksgiving, of petition, of humiliation, of confidence, and the like. In whatever occupation you find yourself, you can very easily turn to God from time to time and say to him:

My God, I wish only for Thee, and nothing else.

I desire nothing but to be all Thine.

Dispose as Thou pleasest of me, and of all that I possess.

I give myself entirely to Thee.

I love Thee more than myself.

I wish only what Thou wishest.

I renounce all things for the love of Thee.

I thank Thee for the great graces Thou hast bestowed upon me.

Assist me, have mercy on me.

Give me Thy holy love.

Lord, I should be at this moment in hell.

I delight in Thy felicity.