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7. Same years ago a number of cipher MSS. were discovered and deciphered by certain students. They attracted much attention, as they purported to derive from the Rosicrucians. You will readily understand that the genuineuess of the claim matters no whit, such literature being judged by itself, not by its reputed sources.

8. Among the MSS. was one which gave the address of a certain person in Germany, who is known to us as S. D. A. Those who discovered the ciphers wrote to S. D. A., and in accordance with instructions received, an Order was founded which worked in a semi-secret manner.

9. After some time S. D. A. died: further requests for help were met with a prompt refusal from the colleagues of S. D. A. It was written by one of them that S. D. A.’s scheme had always been regarded with disapproval.