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is pure and perfect charity; because God is both the beginning and the end of it; inasmuch as we love both ourselves and our neighbours, with relation to the greater glory of God. This divine charity, in all its branches, is exercised in this first petition.

Consider 3dly, that in praying for the hallow ing or sanctifying of the name of God, we pray in effect, for the sanctification of the whole world; that the knowledge of the true and living God, and of his Son Jesus Christ, may be spread over all the earth; that all nations may serve him, all tongues may praise him, and all hearts may love him; in a word, that all men upon earth may be Saints, and may be all happily united in publishing the glory of God's name, not merely by their words, but much more by their lives; for this is the most perfect way of sanctifying the name of God. See then, my soul, the vast extent of this petition, by which we pray for all glory to God; and for all good to man, both for here and hereafter; and let thy heart go along with thy tongue, as often as thou repeatest it.

Conclude to let this earnest desire of the greater glory of God in all things, be ever the predominant passion of thy heart, and he will glorify thee for all eternity.