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CONSIDER first, that in this second petition, we pray for the kingdom of God. Now we find in holy writ, that the kingdom of God is understood in three different ways. First, of the eternal kingdom of God in heaven. 2dly, of the spiritual kingdom of Christ, in his Church upon earth. 3dly, of the mystical kingdom of God, in our souls, according to that of our Saviour, (Luke, xvii, 21,) "The kingdom of God is within you." And in this petition, "thy kingdom come," we pray for the kingdom of God, according to all these three acceptations of his kingdom. See, my soul, how ample and extensive this petition is, and how noble and sublime those things are, which thou art here taught to petition for. Stand astonished that a poor worm of the earth, extracted from nothing, and which is infinitely more humbling, taken up from the dunghill of sin and corruption, should be authorized to aspire after a kingdom, even an eternal kingdom; to live and reign for endless ages, with the living God. Yet this we are here taught to