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happy kingdom, and may be true and faithful subjects to this great King.

Consider 3dly, that, as true charity should begin at home, we are particularly to have in view in this petition, the establishment of the kingdom of God in our own souls, by heartily desiring, and earnestly praying, that God may come to us, and take full possession of our souls, by his grace; that he may set up his throne within us, and reign without control, and without rival in our hearts; that he may suppress all rebellions there, subdue all our passions, and make our whole interior his own, by giving us a strong and perfect love for him. O blessed kingdom of divine love! When wilt thou come to me? When shalt thou be established in my soul? When shall thy sacred flames consume in me all that is in any ways displeasing to my God, or that dares to rebel against him?

Conclude to make it thy business to seek, in the first place, this kingdom of God, by procuring his justice in thy soul; and, as he has promised, nothing else shall be wanting to thee. God must first be king in thy soul here, if thou ever hope to arrive at his eternal kingdom hereafter.