Page:Theodore Roosevelt Rough Riders.djvu/341

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Appendix E

Kettle Hill, and led us on horseback up the hill, both Rough Riders and the Ninth Cavalry. He was the first on the hill, I being very nearly alongside of him. Some Spanish riflemen were coming out of the intrenchments and he killed one with his revolver. He took the men on to the crest of the hill and bade them begin firing on the blockhouse on the hill to our left, the one the infantry were attacking. When we took it, he gave the order to charge, and led the troops on Kettle Hill forward against the block-house on our front. He then had charge of all the cavalry on the hills overlooking Santiago, where we afterward dug our trenches. He had command that afternoon and night, and for the rest of the time commanded our regiment at this point.

Yours very truly,

H. P. Bardshar.

Cambridge, Md.,
March 27, 1902.

Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United States, Washington, D. C.

Dear Sir: At your request, I send you the following extracts from my diary and from notes taken on the day of the assault on San Juan. I kept in my pocket a small pad on which incidents were