Page:Theophrastus - History of Stones - Hill (1774).djvu/15

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Thus much for the Greek Text: In regard to the Engliſh, as my Intent was to render the Work intelligible to the Britiſh Reader, I have not tied myſelf down to a bare verbal Tranſlation. I have attempted to give, not only his Words, but his Meaning; and in many Places have tranſlated a ſingle Syllable into a whole Sentence, by giving, where that Syllable referred to ſomething ſaid before, a ſhort Recapitulation of the Matter referred to; and by that Means preſerving the neceſſary Connection of Thought; without which, what followed might have appeared obſcure.

To the preſent Edition I have added a Greek Index of all Theophraſtus's Words, for which I am obliged to Mr. Newberry: As alſo the Account of a new Acid, from a Stone firſt produced in
