Page:Theophrastus - History of Stones - Hill (1774).djvu/247

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an equal Quantity of the Sand ſome will make a large Quantity of the Powder, and others very little, or none at all. The Waſhing they uſe is very light and ſuperficial, and they wet it every time ſeparately and carefully. That which at laſt ſubſides is the Cinnabar, and that which ſwims above in much larger Quantity is only the ſuperfluous Matter of the Waſhing.

    commonly ſparkling or gloſſy; ſome is found of a deeper and duſkier Colour in the Maſs, but becomes of a fine Red when rubbed to Powder: And ſome of it reſembles the Hæmatites of certain Kinds.

    When incorporated with other Subſtances, it is chiefly found in Spar, or in arenaceous or ſparry Stones; ſometimes, but much more rarely, in clayey Earth; and ſometimes in a talky Matter, greyiſh, or bluiſh, or whitiſh.

    It frequently holds incorporated with it, beſide Quickſilver, Gold, Silver, ſparry and marcaſitical Bodies, and ſometimes Lead.

    It is found in Hungary, Bohemia, Saxony, Spain, France, Italy, and the Eaſt-Indies; but no where in greater Plenty than about Roſenburg in Hungary; where it lies chiefly in a whitiſh ſparry Stone on the Sides of the Hills; and is gathered by the poor People, after it has been cleared and uncovered by Rains. The purer native Cinnabar has been uſed to be much eſteemed both by the Painters and in Medicine; but our factitious kind equalling it in Beauty, and being much cheaper, has baniſhed it from among the Painters. And it were to be wiſhed the Caſe were the ſame in Medicine, for the Doſe may be much better aſcertained in the factitious, than the native; which we can never be ſure of as to its exact Degree of Purity, and which may alſo contain other mineral Subſtances, which we have no Intent of giving, mixed and incorporated with it, That of Hungary, however, is what always ought to be kept for internal Uſe (if it be to be ſo uſed) as it is commonly more pure than that of any other Place.