Page:Theophrastus - History of Stones - Hill (1774).djvu/286

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produced, it is ſour, acrid, and diſſolvent; but in different Degrees, from the various Kinds: And beſide, it is ſeparately endowed with different Characters from each.

Diſtilled from Vitriol, it is unctuous, heavy, and very corroſive: And after diſſolving calcareous Earth, forms with it a Selenite. In its concentrated State it diſſolves Silver, Tin, &c. when diluted, Copper, and Iron.

Diſtilled from Salt, it is not unctuous; is little heavier than common Water; leſs corroſive than from Vitriol; and after diſſolving calcareous Earth, forms with it, not Selenite, but a fixed Sal Armoniac. In its concentrated State it diſſolves Lead, &c.

Diſtilled from the Swediſh Stone, it is heavier than Acid of Salt, leſs heavy than the Vitriolic. It diſſolves the Calxes of Metals more readily than Metals themſelves. In the very Act of Diſtillation, it corrodes Glaſs; and the Stone itſelf, mixed with a calcareous Earth, becomes a peculiarly corroſive Matter, which diſſolves the beſt and ſtrongeft Crucibles.