Page:Theory and Practice of Handwriting.djvu/57

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4. The Spine: Demanding a natural posture, entirely avoiding the painful distortions so productive of Spinal Curvature in Sloping Writers.

(B) Caligraphic

1. Maximum Legibility: Proved both geometrically and optically.

2. Maximum Excellence: Proved by universal experience of teachers.

3. Maximum Individuality: The greatest scope for variety being afforded.

4. Maximum Uniformity: The vertical downstroke requiring the minimum amount of imitative ability.

(C.) Economical

1. In Time: From 30 to 40 per cent, saving, Vertical Writing being more quickly written, read and taught than any slanting style.

2. In Labour: Vertical Writing is the easiest to- write and easiest to read.

3. In space: From 30 to 40 per cent, saved, as Vertical Writing is the most Compact that can be produced.

4. In Expense: Involving not only less Time Labour and Space but requiring about half to two-thirds the amount of Material used in other systems.

(D.) Educational

1. Organisation: The writers are arranged in a more orderly and systematic manner.

2. Discipline: The tendency to nudge or jolt is removed; sprawling is avoided; much disorder is thus prevented. Talking is more difficult, more easily detected and more easily suppressed