Page:Theory of Heat, James Clerk Maxwell, Fourth Edition.djvu/13

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CHAPTER VIII. HEAT ENGINES. Carnot’s Engine. Second Law of Thermodynamics. Carnot’s Function and Thomson’s Absolute Scale of Temperature Maximum Efficiency of a Heat Engine. Thermodynamic Scale of Temperature ...... Entropy. Fictitious Thermal Lines. CHAPTER IX. RELATIONS BETWEEN THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF A SUBSTANCE. Four Thermodynamic Relations.165 The two Modes of Defining Specific Heat . . . .169 The two Modes of Defining Elasticity.171 CHAPTER X. LATENT HEAT. Relation between the Latent Heat and the Alteration of the Volume of the Substance during a Change of State . . . . 173 Lowering of the Freezing Point by Pressure . . . .176 CHAPTER XI. THERMODYNAMICS OF GASES. Cooling by Expansion . . ..180 Calculation of the Specific Heat of Air.183 CHAPTER XII. ON THE INTRINSIC ENERGY OF A SYSTEM OF BODIES. Intrinsic Energy defined.185 Available Energy.187 Dissipation of Energy.192 Mechanical and Thermal Analogies ..193 Prof. Gibbs* Thermodynamic Model.195 page 138 153 I5S 158 160 162 164