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fine form. With flushed cheek and fervid voice he called his hearers to see visions.

"Jesus came to found a kingdom among men. All within the four seas are brethren. The kingdom must then include all under heaven. Jesus founded it first among His fellows, the Jews. These carried the message to Greeks and Romans. These bore it to barbarians in Europe and Britain. These have wafted it round the world, and to our land of the Middle Kingdom. And we? We must bear the glad tidings on to Thibet, to the tribesmen and to the aborigines. . . ."

Just then there was a commotion in the rear of the church. Someone was trying to make himself heard. At this persistent interruption all turned. A ripple of indignation quickly changed to interest as they saw the new speaker, a big, broad-faced, burly fellow, whose countenance beamed forth a happy combination of courage and child-like simplicity.

"Your younger brother begs his elders' pardon," he ventured, "but here in the seat just in front of mine are two of these strangers from the tribes country. Why wait indefinitely some future date? They may leave before our leader is through. Why not begin here and now?"

A voice of assent and approval ran around the room. For ten minutes the speaker, bending forward, chatted pleasantly with the wanderers from the great ranges to the west, well diggers, it seemed, seeking work on the plain, welcomed them to the meeting and told them simply and sympathetically of the Saviour of all and