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as not before to pilot his people. Many became converts, not of convenience, but of conviction, among these his former teacher and his own family and friends.

Another year, and again a conference of those most worthy was called. Li came gladly. This time his home-going meant the giving over of business interests to others while he went forth in his own village, county town, and all the surrounding district, this time persuading men to make the greatest of all investments, those eternal investments in the Kingdom of God. Henceforth for him he felt his life's chief business lay in the extension of the reign of righteousness, peace and joy throughout his native land.

Two years have passed since then, but he is still as of old—fervent, fearless, faithful. A year's study at college in Chengtu has given him greater grip and wider vision. To-day he is again out in the work he loves, the scholar seeing even more clearly the signs of his times, the soldier going courageously forward in the great commission, the trader offering in all market-*places treasure that death cannot corrupt, the evangelist heralding the glad tidings of great joy to a great people.

Of such stuff are China's first apostles in the far west. Of such appeal is the message of the Son of Man to draw alien races unto Himself. To this end let us have firmer faith in all.