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The Doctor

Come on, now, get out! We’ve had enough of this!

Angelo and Giorgio

[Facing the howling mob]: Basta! Basta! Via! Via! Fuori! Avanti! Al diavolo!

[Uproar and retreat.]


[On the porch, she stops them.] No, wait a minute! I want to tell ’em all good-night. Good-night! Good-night! Thank you. I’ve had the very best wedding that ever was and I’m the happiest girl in the world because you’ve been so good to me. Come hack to-morrow and see Tony and tell him all the news. Good night and God bless you.


Siamo molto contenti! Com’ è gentile! Com’ è bella! Com’ è simpatica! Grazie tanto, Amy!


They say thank you and God bless yuu. . . . Beat it, now. Buona notte! Run along. Come back to-morrow.

[As they go down the hill, tenor, concertina, and chorus strike into song.]