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Amy, you lookin’ sad!


Do you blame her? She’s had some day.

[A pat on her shoulder. She shrinks angrily.]


I ain’t sad. . . . It was a swell wedding and everybody had a swell time. Hear that? They’re still singing. Ain’t it pretty? And I don’t want to hear no more of what the Doc was telling me outside about bringing a trained nurse up here from Napa, I’m all the nurse Tony needs, and don’t nobody be afraid of my working, because there’s nothing I like better. And when Tony’s good and strong and don’t have to be in bed all the time, we’ll have Giorgio and Angelo carry him out in the sun and I’ll sit beside him and read the paper out loud and we’ll look at the view and feel that nice wind and we’ll just enjoy ourselves. And the doc’ll come up and see us. And the Padre, too, if they can keep from fighting. And if Joe goes away—why—he goes away, that’s all. Don’t nobody fret about little Amy. She’s going to be all right.

[The Doctor and the Priest exchange approving glances.]

Father McKee

Amy, you’re a credit to the parish.