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Father McKee

Human nature ain’t nothin’ but human nature an’ the only way you ever could make a gover’ment is by obedience. Scalliwaggin’ around about grievances an’ labels don’t accomplish nothin’. An’ the only way you can make a revolution anythin’ but a mess to no purpose is to change the people’s ideas an’ thank goodness there ain’t nobody can accomplish that. It can’t be done.


They’re changin’ already, Padre.

Father McKee

I’m talkin’ to you with the cassock off, Joe. I’m lettin’ you in on the secrets of the Mother Church. She knows the stock of ideas the world over an’ she knows they don’t never change. The Mother Church just keeps hammerin’ an’ hammerin’ the same old nails because she knows there ain’t no new ones worth hammerin’.


People come in da Unita State’ because ees good place. I been comin’ for mak’ money.


You certainly succeeded.