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Tony can have kids w’en he is one hundra year’ old. Dio mio! From da sole of his feet to da top of his hat, Tony is big, strong man! I think I ondrastan’ you verra good, Padre. Tony is not too old for havin’ kids. He’s too rich, eh? [This rather strikes home.] Yah! Tony is rich an’, if he don’ have no kids, den da church is gettin’ all Tony’s money an’ da Padre is gettin’ Tony’s fine house all fix’ up good for livin’ in, eh?

Father McKee

[A very severe shepherd]: Tony!


[The horns of the devil with his fingers]: Don’ you go for puttin’ no evil eye on Tony an’ his Amy!

Father McKee

You’re givin’ way to ignorant superstition, which ain’t right in no good Cath’lic.


[On his feet in a panic]: Dio mio! My Amy is comin’ on dat train an’ here you keep me, sittin’, talkin’. . . .

Father McKee

You irreverent old lunatic, you, if you’re bent on marryin’, I’ll marry you. [Joe reappears in the door-