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But there wasn’t one word in them letters that wasn’t God’s own truth. I never knew nothin’ about this photo, though. Honest to God, I never! An’ Tony never meant no harm neither, Amy. Honest he never. An’ he’s been after me to beat it, too. Every day he has. . . . Sure it was a dirty trick an’ he was crazy to think he could get away with it. I ain’t denyin’ it’s the dirtiest trick I ever heard of. . . . Only he didn’t mean no harm.


Oh, didn’t he? Well, how about my feelings? How about me?


I’ll do everything I can to square it. I’ll drive you right down to the station now, and you can hop the first train back.


Oh, can I? And what do you expect me to do when I get there? Ain’t I thrown up my job there? Do you think jobs is easy for a girl to get? And ain’t I spent every cent I had on my trousseau?


I’ll make Tony square it.