Page:They who walk in the wilds, (IA theywhowalkinwil00robe).pdf/32

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the farther shore and flooding the unruffled surface of the lake with a long wash of glassy radiance. About a hundred yards ahead a tall beast, looking to Mishi's eyes like an enormous deer with overgrown head and shoulders, came suddenly forth from the woods, strode slowly down the wide beach, and stood close to the water's edge, black against the moon. Stretching out her heavy muzzle over the water, she gave utterance to a strange call—long, hoarse, sonorous—which went echoing uncouthly over the solitude. She repeated the call several times, and then stood motionless, as if waiting for an answer.

The tall beast did not look to Mishi like easy game, by any means; but being both hungry and self-confident, he crept forwards, seeking a closer inspection before making up his mind whether or not to risk the attack. Suddenly a dry twig snapped close behind him. He wheeled like a flash, saw a monstrous black wide-antlered form towering above him—and leaped aside like a loosed spring, just as a huge knife-edged hoof came smashing down upon the spot where he had stood. That stroke would have shattered his backbone like an eggshell.

The blow was followed by an instant, crashing charge, resistless as an avalanche. But Mishi had not waited for it. He was up a tree in one desperate bound. Badly shaken, he crouched upon