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inflaming the blood and distributing bile all through their bodies, so that if they were healthy when they commenced their journey, they become full of disease before reaching their destination where the scenes of bloodshed they are permitted to witness intensify their distress and work them up to a state of frenzy and madness specially adapted to sow the seeds of insanity in those who consume their flesh.

14. The consumption of flesh as food has, like the use of tobacco and alcoholic liquors, a tendency to deaden the moral and intellectual faculties so as to blind the perceptions to the danger of the practice.

15. The only way to obtain a clear perception and an unbiassed judgment on the subject is to abstain long enough to get clear of this blinding influence. "If any man will do his will he shall know of the doctrine whether it be of God." (John 7:17.)

16. Those only who have personally abstained from the flesh of animals for a considerable period can render an intelligent judgment on the subject.

17. All spiritually minded workers know how hard it is to convert an inveterate flesh-eater to Christianity or even to humanity.

18. Flesh-eating in America and England is the greatest impediment to progress in that moral and