Page:Thirty-nine reasons why I am a vegetarian.djvu/20

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35. A life with a fairly good constitution thus devoted to seeking the truest and best and appropriating the same is pretty sure to be a long life, even in the physical body, and renders the enjoyment of eternal life a certainty. (John 36:40, 50, 51, 58, 63.)

36. Thus by adopting the food prescribed by divine law in the beginning (Gen. 1:29) man is led to become a partaker of the hidden manna (Rev. 2:17) which is promised to those who overcome.

37. Such a life requires an exercise of the will to maintain obedience to the divine law; it is a life of self-denial, of conflict and of victory.

38. The power of the mind over the body grows with obedience to divine law. The exercise of kindness towards all creatures is productive of intense satisfaction and delight. The heart and affections become tender towards all and soul and body become permeated with the divine love and wisdom.

39. Such are the convictions and reasons derived from the experience of the writer, whose health, vigor and true enjoyment of life at the age of seventy-six years bear ample testimony.


Vegetarianism has at all periods of the world's history been advocated in some form or another.