Page:This Journey through the Pure Food Factories (1906).djvu/28

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experiment with the food coffee and Grape-Nuts breakfast food is respectfully requested by the manufacturers, in order that the user may determine for himself the facts in the case. Once proven by a personal demonstration, further argument is unnecessary.

The “Reason” for Grape-Nuts.

Grape-Nuts is a condensed food, about four teaspoonfuls being sufficient for the cereal part of a meal. It requires no cooking; is ready for instant service; keeps

Printing Press Room.

One of the most complete printing establishments in Michigan. Here are printed the cartons and circulars for Postum Cereal and Grape-Nuts. One printing press in this room has a capacity to print 40,000 paper cartons per hour. Another prints two colors at one operation, one of only two presses of its kind in Michigan.

indefinitely; has a delicate, sweet, crisp flavor; requires chewing, and offers just enough resistance to the teeth to be free from the objection urged by the dental surgeons against the free use of soft mushes.

There's a reason for Grape-Nuts. In late years a notable increase in intestinal disorders, culminating all too frequently in appendicitis or other serious forms, has pressed home the knowledge that people are eating more starchy food than they can digest.

With poorly cooked cereals in a pasty, raw state for breakfast, followed by quan-