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working to achieve through its Home Service with the families of soldiers and sailors this side the trenches.

Review of Chapter VIII

1. What does Home Service mean to the soldier and the sailor?

2. What is the purpose that underlies all of Home Service?

3. (a) What percentage of men in the first draft were found to be physically unfit for service? (b) What percentage of the grammar school graduates in the United States enter high school?

4. Why is it that, if the children of the United States have better opportunity to obtain an education, the country will have better citizens in the next generation?

5. (a) When is it desirable to attempt to improve conditions by legislation? (b) When is a better result attained by helping people to help themselves?

6. How does the Home Service Section learn that fami lies need its help?

7. What kind of help cannot one give to a family and what can one give?

8. Out of what ideals and experience has Home Service developed?

9. What is the only real kind of national progress?

10. What is the ultimate victory?