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Motif-Index of Folk-Literature
A185.12. Deity provides man with soul. Jewish: Neuman.
A1217. Devil's unsuccessful attempt to vivify his creations as God has done. E700. The soul.
A185.12.1. God resuscitates man. Jewish: Neuman; Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 188 No. 128.
E0. Resuscitation.
A185.12.2. God removes mortal's soul. Jewish: Neuman.
E700. The soul.
A185.13. God puts mortal to test. Jewish: Neuman.
H. Tests.
A185.14. God controls mortals' sinning.
A185.14.1. God causes mortals' sin. Jewish: Neuman.
A185.14.2. God witholds mortal from sinning. Jewish: Neuman.
A185.15. God establishes peace between mortals. Jewish: Neuman.
A185.16. God pities mortal. Jewish: Neuman.
A185.17. God visits sick mortal. Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 1116.
A187. Gods and men judge each other.
A187.1. God as judge of men. Greek: Fox 227, Wienert FFC LVI 36; Icel.: MacCulloch Eddic 162 (Forseti); Jewish: *Neuman; India: Thompson-Balys, Penzer I 198ff., II 249, IV 238, 275f., VIII 64, 108 n. 1, 163 n. 1, 184, 215.
A187.2. Mortal as umpire of quarrel between gods. Icel.: Boberg; Celtic-Norse: FFC LXXXIII, xxxviii–xli. — India: *Thompson-Balys.
D832. Magic object acquired by acting as umpire for fighting heirs. F451.5.23. Dwarfs seek human help in their fights and troubles.
A188. Gods and goddesses in love with men. Babylonian: Gilgamesch Epos VI (Ishtar). — Irish myth: Cross; Norse: Herrmann Saxo Gr. II 238ff., *Boberg; Greek: Fox 29, 157, 199, 211. — Tahiti: Henry 231, Beckwith Myth 37, Porapora (Society Is.): *Beckwith Myth 38; Maori: Clark 148; So. Am. Indian (Chiriguano): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 154, 165.
T91.8. Love of goddess for mortal. T111. Marriage of mortal and supernatural being.
A188.1. Philandering god. Greek: Grote I 58; India: *Thompson-Balys.
D658.1. Transformation to husband's (lover's) form to seduce woman. K1301. Mortal woman seduced by god. K1315.1. Seduction by posing as a god.
A188.2. Gods as ancestors of mankind. Irish myth: Cross (A188.1); Hawaii: Beckwith myth 2, 70, 294, 300; Tahiti: Beckwith Myth 37; Tuamotu: Stimson MS (T-G. 3/1010); Easter Is.: Métraux 310; So. Am. Indian (Chiriguano): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 171; Inca: Rowe BBAE CXLIII (2) 315.
A189. Gods in relation to mortals — miscellaneous.
A189.0.1. "Gods and not-gods". Irish myth: Cross (A189).
A189.1. Mortal as ally of gods.