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A. Mythological Motifs
A253. God of north star.
A253.1. Goddess of north star. Chinese: Werner 144.
A255. Star-deity and drought-demon fight. Persian: Carnoy 268.
D2144.2. Contest of heat and cold.
A260. God of light. Greek: Fox 179 (Apollo); Icel.: De la Saussaye 253ff. (Balder); Maori: Clark 14, 171n.
A162.2. Combat between god of light and dragon of ocean.
A260.1. Goddess of light. India: Thompson-Balys.
A270. God of dawn. Gaster Thespis 228.
A270.1. Goddess of dawn. Hindu: Keith 32; Greek: Roscher I 1252 s. v. "Eos"; Irish myth: Cross.
A280. Weather-god. Irish myth: Cross, Beal XXI 326, 334.
A210. Sky-god. D900. Magic weather phenomena. D2140. Magic control of the elements. F430. Weather-spirits.
A281. Storm-god. See also A282. — Babylonian: Spence 95ff., 188; Assyrian: ibid. 218ff.; Persian: Carnoy 264; Japanese: Anesaki 225; Irish myth: Cross.
A281.1. Storm-goddess. Hindu: Penzer I 272. — Eskimo: Boas RBAE VI 600.
A282. Wind-god. Greek: Grote I 287; Icel.: MacCulloch Eddic 40ff. (Odin), 102 (Njord), De la Saussaye 225; Hindu: Keith 37, 40; India: *Thompson-Balys. — Penzer IV 110 n. 4, VIII 163 n.; Siberian: Holmberg Siberian 457; Finno-Ugric: Holmberg Finno-Ugric 232; Chinese: Ferguson 73. — Maori: Dixon 32; Marshall Is.: Davenport 222; Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 86, 121. — Eskimo: Rasmussen Myter I 99—102; S. Am. Indian (Arua): Lévi-Strauss BBAE CXLIII (3) 379; Bushman: Bleek and Lloyd 101.
F432. Wind-spirit.
A282.0.1. Wind-goddess. Eskimo: Rasmussen Myter I 100, Holm 95.
A282.0.1.1. Facial features of wind-goddess reversed. Eskimo: Rasmussen Myter I 102.
A123. Monstrous gods.
A282.0.2. Wind-angel. Jewish: Neuman.
A282.1. God of whirlwind. Typhon. He is represented as having serpents' heads on his shoulders, as having a voice like the sound of many beasts and eyes which flash fire. — Greek: Fox 9.
F526.1. Typhon.
A283. Cloud-god. Finno-Ugric: Holmberg Finno-Ugric 234; India: *Thompson-Balys.
A283.1. Cloud-angel. Jewish: Neuman.
A284. God of thunder. *Harris Boanerges 13ff., 20; Montelius FL XXI (1909) 60. — Icel.: De la Saussaye 236 (Thor); Lithuanian: Gray 319, Balys "Der Donner im lithauischen Volksglauben" Tautosakos Darbai III(1937)149—238; Finno-Ugric: Holmberg Finno-Ugric 227; Estonian: Eisen Estnische Mythologie 156ff.; Siberian: Holmberg Siberian 443; Armenian: Ananikian 11; Chinese: Werner 198, 201; Greek: Fox 159 (Zeus); Egyptian: Müller 103 (Seth); Hindu: Keith 37 (Parjanya). —