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A. Mythological Motifs
A456.1. Goddess of sailors. India: Thompson-Balys.
A457. God of thieves. Tahiti, Mangaia, Rarotonga, Maori: Beckwith Myth 447; Easter Is.: Métraux Ethnology 310.
A459. God of trades and professions — miscellaneous.
A459.1. God or goddess of skiing (or snow-shoes). Icel.: MacCulloch Eddic 105 (Skadi), 156 (Ullr), Boberg.
A460. Gods of abstractions. Greek: Fox 299.
Z110. Abstractions personified.
A461. God of wisdom. Irish myth: Cross; Norse: Herrmann Nordische Mythologie 320 (Odin); Greek: Grote I 10 (Apollo); Babylonian: Spence 184ff.
A461.1. Goddess of wisdom. Greek: Grote I 10 (Athene). — Tahiti: Henry 85.
A111. Mother of the gods. A454.1. Goddess of healing. A465.1.1. Goddess of poetry.
A462. God of beauty. Tahiti: Henry 128.
A462.1. Goddess of beauty. Hindu: Penzer VII 129 n. 4, 137; India: Thompson-Balys; Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 767.
A463. God of fate. Irish myth: Cross; Greek: Grote I 10; Egyptian: Müller 52; Slavic (general): Machal Slavic 249ff.; Siberian: Holmberg Siberian 392.
A178. God (goddess) as prophet. M300. Prophecies. N110. Luck and fate personified.
A463.0.1. God of fate in shape of golden frog. India: Thompson-Balys.
D195. Transformation: man to frog.
A463.1. The Fates. Goddesses who preside over the fates of men. — Wehrhan Die Sage 81; Gaster Thespis 348. — Norse: De la Saussaye 312, Corpus Poeticum Boreale I 32, 36, 47, 131, MacCulloch Eddic 238ff., *Boberg; Greek: Grote I 7; Irish myth: Cross, Beal. 21, 318, 336; Lappish: Holmberg Finno-Ugric 256ff.; Estonian: Loorits Grundzüge I 527f. — India: Thompson-Balys.
F315. Fairy predicts birth of child. F317. Fairy predicts future greatness of (new-born) child. F343.11. Fairy offers man change of form and feature for aid in battle. F347. Fairy adviser. F361. Fairy's revenge. F362. Fairies cause disease. F363. Fairies cause death. G201. Three witch sisters. N110. Luck and fate personified.
A463.1.1. The Fates weave. Icel.: Boberg.
A463.1.2. Three fates in house in woods allot destiny to people. Lithuanian: Balys Index No. *936.
A464. God of justice. Icel.: MacCulloch Eddic 162 (Forseti); Jewish: Neuman; Assyrian: *Spence 222; Persian: Carnoy 260f.; Hindu: Penzer I 4, 84 n. 1; India: Thompson-Balys.
A464.1. Goddess of justice. Greek: Fox 6 (Themis).
A465. God of the arts. Greek: Grote I 43 (Apollo).
A450.1. God "of many arts."
A465.0.1. The Nine Muses, patronesses of the arts. Greek: Fox 239, Grote I 10.