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Motif-Index of Folk-Literature
A478.6. Angel (demon) of blindness. Jewish: Neuman.
A481. God of intoxication (or of wine). W. F. Otto, Dionysos: Mythos und Kultus (Frankfurt a. M. 1933). — Greek: Fox 219; Hindu: Keith 46; India: Thompson-Balys. — S. Am. Indian (Chibcha): Kroeber BBAE CXLIII (2) 908.
A482. God of gambling (luck). Hindu: Penzer IV 240 n. 1.
N0. Wagers and gambling. N111. Fortune.
A482.1. Goddess of ill-luck. Hindu: Penzer VI 106; India: *Thompson-Balys.
A482.1.1. Spirit of ill-luck a son of a god. India: Thompson-Balys.
A482.2. Goddess of good luck (Lakshmi). India: Thompson-Balys.
A483. God of mercy. Jewish: Neuman.
A483.0.1. Angel of mercy. Jewish: Neuman.
A483.1. Goddess of mercy. Chinese: Werner 251.
A484. God of oaths.
A484.1. Goddess of oaths. Icel.: MacCulloch Eddic 186 (Vár).
A485. God of war. *H. Lommel Der arische Kriegsgott (Frankfurt a. M. 1939). — Irish myth: Cross; Greek: Fox 189; Norse: MacCulloch Eddic 40, 55 (Odin), 98 (Tyr); Armenian: Ananikian 42; Hindu: Penzer VII 137, VIII 180; Chinese: Ferguson 95; Babylonian: Spence 106ff.; Jewish: Neuman. — Aztec: Alexander Lat. Am. 58; Maya: ibid. 139. — Tahiti: Henry 120; Maori: Clark 14; Marquesas: Handy 110; Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 15.
A485.1. Goddess of war. Gaster Thespis 136; Irish myth: Cross; Roman: Frazer Ovid IV 151ff.; Assyrian: Spence 213; India: Thompson-Balys.
A125.1. Goddess of war in shape of hag. A172. Gods intervene in battle. F418. Spirits hover in air shrieking over battle. Z129.2. War personified.
A485.2. Valkyries (shield-maidens). Demigoddesses who attend battle. — *Handwb. d. Abergl. IX Nachträge 240ff; **Golther "Der Valkyrenmythus" Abhandl. d. Akad. d. Wiss. (München), 1. Kl., XVIII, Abt. 2, 401ff.; *Krappe Modern Language Review XXI 55 ff.; *Hertz Aus Dichtung und Sage 31ff. — Irish myth: Cross; Norse: De la Saussaye 304ff., MacCulloch Eddic 248ff., 259, 283—84, 314, Penzer X 345 s. v. "Valkyries".
A485.3. God of single-combats. Norse: MacCulloch Eddic 156 (Ullr).
A486. The Furies. Goddesses of vengeance. — Greek: Fox 275, Frazer Apollodorus I 5 n. 4; India: Thompson-Balys. — Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 115.
A487. God of death. *Wesselski Archiv Orientálni I 300ff. — Hindu: Penzer X 365 s. v. "Yama"; Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 680; India: *Thompson-Balys; Maori: Clark 8, 135; Marshall Is.: Davenport 222; S. Am. Indian (Toba): Métraux Myths 19; Icel.: Boberg.
A107. Gods of darkness and of light. A108.1. God of the dead. A310. God of the world of the dead. A1335.11. God of world of the dead demands that men die so he will have subjects. D651.1.3. Queen transforms herself to defeat god of death. F160.0.2. Fairy otherworld confused with land of the dead. Z111. Death personified.