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A. Mythological Motifs
A513.2. Culture hero arrives (and departs) in boat. Norse: Boberg, Mac Culloch Eddic 262f.; Old English: Beowulf.
A563. Divinity's departure in boat.
A515. Pair of culture heroes. Amazon tribes: Alexander Lat. Am. 311.
A515.1. Culture heroes brothers. Araucanian: Alexander Lat. Am. 330; N. Am. Indian: *Thompson Tales 280 n. 35.
A515.1.1. Twin culture heroes. (Cf. A511.1.2.1.). P. Saintyves "Les Jumeaux dans l'ethnographie et la mythologie" Revue Anthrop. XXV (1925) 54ff. — Jewish: Neuman; N. Am. Indian (Plains Tribes): Alexander N. Am. 104, 108, (Pima): ibid. 176, (Sia): ibid 204; S. Am. Indian (Jibaros, Eastern Ecuador): Karsten Myths of the Jibaros (cf. Boas JAFL XXXII 446), Amazon tribes: Alexander Lat. Am. 311, (Warrau, Carib, Tupinamba, Kaigua, Tembe, Apapocuvá-Guarani, Bakairi, Kaingang, Amuesha, Huamachucho, Chiriguano): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 123, 135f., 138, 145ff., 158—165, (Tenetchara): Wagley-Galvão BBAE CXLIII (3) 147, (Cashinawa, Guarani, Guarayu): Métraux BBAE CXLIII (3) 92f., 438, 685, (Toba): Métraux BBAE CXLIII (1) 368, (Bakairi): Lévi-Strauss BBAE CXLIII (3) 347, (Paressi): Métraux BBAE CXLIII (3) 359. — Tonga: Gifford 20.
A116. Twin gods.
A515.1.1.1. Twin culture heroes sired by two fathers. S. Am. Indian (Guarani): Métraux BBAE CXLIII (3) 92f., RMLP XXXIII 136.
T587.1. Birth of twins an indication of unfaithfulness in a wife.
A515.1.1.2. Twin culture heroes — one foolish, one clever. (Cf. A525.) S. Am. Indian (Bacairi): Lévi-Strauss BBAE CXLIII (3) 347, (Tupinamba): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 135, (Chiriguano): ibid 163.
A515.1.1.3. Twin culture heroes conceived of as sun and moon. S. Am. Indian (Amuesha): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 150, (Chiriguano): ibid. 158ff.
A515.1.2. Sworn brothers as culture heroes. India: Thompson-Balys.
P311. Sworn brethren.
A515.2. Father and son as culture heroes. Irish myth: Cross. — Amazon tribes: Alexander Lat. Am. 311.
A515.3. Culture hero has blood brother. Irish myth: Cross.
P312. Blood-brotherhood.
A515.4. Culture hero has faithful attendant. Irish myth: Cross.
A515.5. Culture hero fights with (encounters) son without recognizing him.
N731.2. Father-son combat.
A516. Expulsion and return of culture hero.
L111.1. Exile returns and succeeds. S140. Cruel abandonments and exposures. S300. Abandoned or murdered children. S350.2. Child driven out (exposed) brought up in secret.
A520. Nature of the culture hero (demigod).
A520.1. Gods as culture heroes. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 16, chap. 2 passim.
A521. Culture hero as dupe or trickster. Celtic: MacCulloch Celtic 30; Irish myth: Cross. — S. Am. Indian (Yunca, Peru): Alexander Lat.