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A. Mythological Motifs
A651.1.6.1. The nine ranks (orders) of heaven. Irish myth: Cross (A651.1.2.1.).
D1273.1.3.1. Nine as magic number.
A651.1.7. Ten heavens. Jewish: Neuman; Maori: Clark 186; Tonga: Gifford 18; Tahiti: Henry 164, 343.
A651.1.8. Series of upper worlds — miscellaneous. Jewish: *Neuman.
A651.1.8.1. Seventeen-storied heaven. Siberian: Holmberg Siberian 405.
A651.2. Series of lower worlds. Irish myth: Cross.
E755.2.9. Series of hells. F80. Journey to the lower world.
A651.2.0.1. Creator lives in lowest sky beneath us. S. Am. Indian (Witoto): Métraux MAFLS XL 25.
A307. Deity ruler of lowest heaven.
A651.2.1. Two lower worlds. S. Am. Indian (Chamacoco): Métraux MAFLS XL 25, BBAE CXLIII (1) 366.
A651.2.2. Three lower worlds. Finno-Ugric: Holmberg Finno-Ugric 77. — S. Am. Indian (Witoto): Métraux MAFLS XL 25.
A651.2.3. Seven lower worlds. Hindu: Penzer IV 21 n. 1, VIII 162 n. 1.
A651.3. Worlds above and below.
A651.3.1. Seven worlds above and below. An angel upholds the seven worlds on his shoulders. Under him in turn are: rock, bull, fish, vast sea, air, fire, and serpent. — *Chauvin VII 58 No. 77 n. 1.
A651.3.2. Worlds above and below — miscellaneous. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 42; S. Am. Indian (Chamacoco): Métraux MAFLS XL 25.
A652. World-tree. Tree extending from lowest to highest world. (Cf. A878.) — **Holmberg Baum des Lebens. — Irish myth: Cross; Norse: MacCulloch Eddic 331ff., De la Saussaye 346ff.; Hagen MPh I (1903—4) 57; **Olrik Danske Studier, 1917, 49ff.; Babylonian: Spence 138; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 286 n. 56a.
A714.2. Sun and moon placed in top of tree. A878. Earth-tree. D950. Magic tree. E90. Tree of life. F162.3.1. Tree of Life in otherworld.
A652.1. Tree to heaven. Lithuanian and Lettish: Gray 325; Finnish: Kalevala rune 2; India: Thompson-Balys. — N. A. Indian: *Alexander N. Am. 294f. n. 42; Maya: Alexander Lat. Am. 140; S. Am. Indian (Chaco): Métraux MAFLS XL 24f.
A665.4. Tree supports sky. F54. Tree to upper world.
A652.1.1. Tree to heaven from goddess' necklace which she hangs on branch. India: Thompson-Balys.
A652.2. Tree hanging from sky. A tree hangs upside down in the sky. By its branches men pass back and forth to the upper world. — Indonesian and Micronesian: Dixon 38 (n. 113, 114), 249.
A652.3. Tree in upper world. Iroquois: Alexander N. Am. 35.
A652.4. Sky as overshadowing tree. Shadowing the earth. — Egyptian: Müller 35.
A653. Earth under umbrella. Hindu: Penzer II 125 n. 3.
A654. Primary elements of universe. (Earth, air, fire, water, etc.). — Jewish: *Neuman; Chinese: Werner 84. Cf. the early Greek philosophers.