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A. Mythological Motifs
A689.2. Foul odor in hell. Irish myth: Cross.
A689.3. Hunger in hell. Irish myth: Cross. (A679.4.).
A689.3.1. Dogs incited to devour souls in hell. Irish myth: Cross (A679.4.1).
A690. Miscellaneous worlds. Irish myth: Cross.
F110. Journey to terrestrial otherworlds.
A692. Islands of the blest. Irish myth: Cross. — Greek: Fox 147, Grote I 62, Guntert Kalypso 81; Gaster Oldest Stories 50. — Oceanic: Kruyt Het Animisme 368ff.; Landman Kiwai Papuans 12; Lévy-Bruhl L'âme primitive 382ff.
A561. Divinity's departure for west. D936. Magic island. D981.1.1. Magic apple from Garden of the Hesperides. E480. Abode of the dead. E481.2. Land of dead across water. F111. Journey to earthly paradise. Land of happiness. F112. Journey to land of women. F116. Journey to land of the immortals. F129.7. Voyage to island of the dead. F134. Otherworld on island. F213. Fairyland on island. F730. Extraordinary islands.
A692.1. Overseas otherworld in the west. Irish myth: Cross; S. Am. Indian (Guarayú): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 147.
A693. Intermediate future world. Residence for those whose good and evil deeds exactly counterbalance. — Irish myth: Cross; Persian: Carnoy 344.
D1856.1.1. The two sorrows of the kingdom of heaven. Q0. Rewards and punishments. V511.3. Visions of purgatory. V520. Salvation.
A694. Christian paradise. Irish myth: Cross.
F11. Journey to heaven (upper-world paradise). F111. Journey to earthly paradise.
A694.1. Christian paradise (Terra Repromissionis) corresponding to pagan Celtic otherworld (Ireland). Irish myth: Cross.
F110. Journey to terrestrial otherworlds. F160.0.3. Pagan otherworld identified with Christian paradise. F756.2. Plain that is earthly paradise.
A695. Moon as next world. (Cf. A750.) Hindu: Keith 101.
A696. World of serpents. Hindu: Keith 154.
A697. Various Buddhist otherworlds.
A697.1. Brahma world. Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 796.
A697.2. Tusita world. Buddhist myth: Malalasekera I 1034.
A697.2.1. Years are days in Tusita world. Buddhist myth: Malalasekera I 1033.
D2011. Years thought days.
A697.3. Deva world. Buddhist myth: Malalasekera I 861, II 892, 909.

A700—A799. The heavens.

A700. Creation of the heavenly bodies. Irish myth: Cross; Pawnee: Alexander N. Am. 108; Navaho: ibid. 163; Persian: Carnoy 276; Babylonian: Spence 115.
D1546. Magic object controls heavenly bodies. F961. Extraordinary behavior of heavenly bodies.