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Motif-Index of Folk-Literature
A721.4. Pale sun made right again by using egg, yellow grass, etc. India: Thompson-Balys.
A721.5. Sun falls but is lifted back to sky and tied to it. S. Am. Indian: (Mocovi): Métraux MAFLS XXXX 34.
A722. Sun's night journey. Around or under the earth. — Armenian: Ananikian 50; S. Am. Indian (Mundurucu): Horton BBAE CXLIII (3) 281.
J2272.3. Fools believe sun sleeps at certain woman's house.
A722.1. Sun's night journey in golden goblet. Helios' chariot is conveyed eastward at night in a golden goblet (or bed). — Greek: Fox 243. Cf. A724.
A722.2. Sun's night journey with reversed face. It returns from west to east by the same way that it came, but it turns its light side to the sky and leaves the earth in darkness. — Hindu: Keith 16.
A722.3. Sun's night journey: in land of dead. Gaster Thespis 195; Egyptian: Müller 27, 84; Armenian: Ananikian 50; India: Thompson-Balys.
A722.4. Sun at night closes doors. In evening goes home and shuts doors and windows. — Africa (Ekoi): Talbot 357.
A722.5. Sun at night lowers arm. The sun, a man, lies with arm uplifted. The shining comes from his armpits. When his arm is lowered the shining ceases. — Bushman: Bleek and Lloyd 45.
A722.5.1. Sun bathes in stream of fire at night. Jewish: Neuman.
A722.5.2. Sun led through stream to cool off heat at night; otherwise might consume earth. Jewish: Neuman.
A722.6. Sun hidden at night because afraid to wander. India: Thompson-Balys.
A722.7. Mountain where sun goes through. Babylonian: Jensen Gilgamesch Epos IX 37.
A722.7.1. Sun at night enters fissure between sky and earth. S. Am. Indian (Toba): Métraux MAFLS XL 19.
A722.8. Sun sits on back of a male buffalo. India: Thompson-Balys.
A722.9. At dawn sun comes to play with the moon. India: Thompson-Balys.
A722.10. Sun and moon to remain half their time in underworld. India: Thompson-Balys.
A722.11. Sun worships God by night. Jewish: Neuman.
A722.12. Visible sun is the "pet" of real sun. S. Am. Indian (Bacairi): Lévi-Strauss BBAE CXLIII (3) 348.
A722.13. Sun is man during day. Philippine (Tinguian): Cole 33.
A723. Boat of the sun. Egyptian: Müller 26; Icel.: cf. Du Chaillu The Viking Age 100ff., 107; Almgren Hällristningar och Kultbruk (Stockholm, 1926—27) passim.
A724. Chariot of the sun. *Helm Altgermanische Religionsgeschichte I 178, 256; Cook Zeus I 205ff. — Greek: Fox 243, cf. A722.1., Grote I