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Motif-Index of Folk-Literature
A728.3. Sun visits earth in form of black bull, caught by man, thus causing night. India: Thompson-Balys.
A728.4. Sun and moon carried through sky by animals. Speed depends upon hour and season. — S. Am. Indian (Bacairi): Lévi-Strauss BBAE CXLIII (3) 348.
A731. Sun as king of sky and earth. India: Thompson-Balys; Jewish: Neuman; Africa: Bouveignes 14.
A731.1. Sun sits on throne. Jewish: Neuman.
A731.2. Crown of the sun. Jewish: Neuman.
A732. The sun's animals.
A732.1. Cattle and sheep of the sun. 350 of each (= days and nights of the lunar year). — Greek: Fox 242.
H721. Riddle of the year.
A732.2. Horse of the sun.
A732.2.1. Slave shoots arrow into leg of sun's horse. India: Thompson-Balys.
A733. Heat and light of the sun.
A733.1. Why sunlight is so much stronger than moonlight. Jewish: Neuman.
A733.2. Mortal cannot look at sun since God's name is engraved on it. Jewish: Neuman.
A733.3. Two faces of the sun: fire, directed toward earth; hail, directed toward heaven. Jewish: Neuman.
A733.4. Beams of light are snares with which sun is tied to earth. Cf. A728. — Maori: Clark 46.
A733.5. Sun dries out earth with its heat. Jewish: Neuman.
A734. Sun hides.
A734.1. Sun hides in cave. India: Thompson-Balys.
A735. Pursuit of sun by moon. Aztec: Alexander Lat. Am. 89; N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 274 n. 9. — Philippine (Tinguian): Cole 189; African: Frobenius Atlantis XII 181, (Fang): Einstein 34, Trilles 173, (Dahomé): Einstein 30.
A735.1. Moon tied to sun so that when sun sinks moon is dragged up to light earth. Maori: Clark 46.
A735.2. Sun and moon pursued by dark planet in black chariot. India: Thompson-Balys.
A736. Sun as human being.
A736.1. Sun and moon as man and woman. India: Thompson-Balys; Macobi: Alexander Lat. Am 319; Africa: Meinhof 200.
A736.1.1. Sun sister and moon brother. Brother visits sister at night. She marks him to identify him. He flees and she follows with flaming brand. She is sun and he the moon. — *Rank Das Inzestmotiv 446ff.; Frazer Ovid III 31. — Icel.: MacCulloch Eddic 196;