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Motif-Index of Folk-Literature
A1889.1. Creation of tapir. S. Am. Indian (Mundurucu): Horton BBAE CXLIII (3) 281.
A1890. Creation of other mammals.
A1893. Creation of mole. Dh I 156ff. (Cf. A1755). — England, U.S.: *Baughman.
A1895. Creation of bat. Dh I 155f. (Cf. A1755), ibid. III 268 (Cf. A1710.) — Finnish. Aarne FFC VIII 16 No. 84 (Cf. A1751), ibid. 15 No. 81; Esthonian: Aarne FFC XXV 146 No. 45; Flemish: DeMeyer XXXVII 86 No. 81; India: *Thompson-Balys.
A1896. Creation of anteater. S. Am. Indian (Cashinawa): Métraux BBAE CXLIII (3) 685.
A1897. Creation of armadillo. S. Am. Indian (Cashinawa): Métraux BBAE CXLIII (3) 685.

A1900—A1999. Creation of birds.

Note: A1900—A1999 is based on the following classification of birds.
A1910—A1929. Passeriformes.
A1911. Lark. A1912. Thrush (nightingale, robin). A1913. Bluebird. A1914. Thrasher. A1915. Mocking-bird. A1916. Wren. A1917. Swallow. A1918. Titmouse. A1919. Crow (raven). A1921. Jay. A1922. Magpie. A1923. Tanager. A1924. Blackbird. A1925. Oriole. A1926. Finch. A1927. Sparrow. A1928. Starling (myna).
A1930—A1939. Falconiformes.
A1931. Vulture. A1932. Turkey-buzzard. A1934. Falcon. A1935. Buzzard. A1936. Eagle. A1937. Hawk. A1938. Kite.
A1940—A1949. Charidriiformes.
A1941. Plover. A1942. Snipe. A1943. Curlew. A1944. Sandpiper. A1945. Gull (tern). A1946. Quail. A1947. Pigeon. A1948. Dove.
A1950—A1959. Coraciiformes.
A1951. Kingfisher. A1952. Hoopoe. A1953. Humming-bird. A1954. Whippoorwill. A1955. Nighthawk. A1956. Swift. A1957. Woodpecker (flicker). A1958. Owl.
A1960—A1969. Ciconiiformes.
A1961. Cormorant. A1962. Pelican. A1963. Gannet. A1964. Heron. A1965. Bittern. A1966. Stork. A1967. Flamingo.
A1970—A1999. Miscellaneous birds.
A1971. Ostrich. A1974. Penguin. A1975. Loon (diver). A1976. Grebe. A1977. Albatross. A1978. Fulmar. A1979. Petrel. A1981. Swan. A1982. Goose. A1983. Duck. A1985. Quail. A1986. Partridge. A1987. Grouse. A1988. Chicken. A1991. Coot. A1992. Crane. A1993. Cuckoo. A1994. Parrot (cuckatoo). A1995. Turkey. A1996. Peacock.
A1900. Creation of birds. Lappish: Qvigstad FFC LX 38 No. 46; Jewish: Neuman; India: Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 123 No. 83, 127; Maori: Clark 15; S. Am. Indian (Toba): Métraux MAFLS XL 29, (Cashinawa): Métraux BBAE CXLIII (3) 685.
A1901. Various birds from Pharaoh's drowned army. (Cf. A1715.1). — Finnish: Aarne FFC VIII 15 No. 82; Esthonian: Aarne FFC XXV 146 No. 48; Lappish: Qvigstad FFC LX 38 No. 45.