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Motif-Index of Folk-Literature
A1942. Origin of snipe.
A1942.1. Snipe from man admitted neither to heaven nor to hell. Finnish: Aarne FFC VIII 18 No. 99. Cf. Type 330A and 330B.
Q565. Man admitted to neither heaven nor hell.
A1944. Creation of sandpiper.
A1944.1. Creation of sandpiper: Pharaoh's cook calls drowned army to dinner. Finnish: Aarne FFC XXXIII 53 No. 82**.
A1945. Creation of gull.
A1945.1. Gull from transformed cat. A cat catches a strong fish with her claws. The fish carries the cat on its back to the sea, where the gull originates from the cat. (Cf. A1710.) — Finnish: Aarne FFC VIII 18 No. 102.
A1945.2. Gull a transformed ravished maiden. While he is sleeping, the maiden the hero has stolen is ravished by another man. The hero thereupon turns her into a gull. (Cf. A1710.) — Finnish: Kalevala Rune 38.
A1946. Creation of quail. India: Thompson-Balys.
A1947. Creation of pigeon. India: Thompson-Balys.
A1947.1. Creation of sea pigeon. Eskimo (Ungava): Turner RBAE XI 263, (Labrador): Hawks GSCan XIV 161.
A1948. Creation of dove. Dh I 164 (cf. A1751). — S. Am. Indian (Chiriguano): Métraux RMLP XXXIII 178.
A1950. Creation of coraciiformes.
A1951. Creation of the kingfisher. India: Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Graham.
A1952. Creation of hoopoe. Transformed shepherd. (Cf. A1710, A2261.1.) — *BP III 286 (Gr. No. 173); Dh III 394; Greek: Grote 182 (Tereus).
A1957. Creation of woodpecker.
A1957.1. Woodpecker from devil's herdsman transformed. The devil strikes his herdsman so that he turns into a bird who continually calls after his beloved cow. (Cf. A1710.) — Livonian: Loorits FFC LXVI 90 No. 80.
D153.1. Transformation: man to woodpecker.
A1958. Creation of owl. (Cf. A1710.) — Fb "ugle" III 964b. — Lappish: Qvigstad FFC LX 38 No. 47; India: Thompson-Balys.
E613.2. Reincarnation as owl.
A1958.0.1. The owl is a baker's daughter who objected to the size of the dough put into the oven for Jesus when he appeared in her house as a beggar. Type 751A (woodpecker). (Cf. A1710.) England, U.S.: Baughman.*
A1960. Creation of ciconiiformes.
A1965. Creation of bittern. Maori: Clark 101.
A1965.1. Bittern from Pilate transformed. (Cf. A1710.) — Estonian: Aarne FFC XXV 148 No. 56.