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Motif-Index of Folk-Literature
A2062. Origin of locust. Flemish: DeMeyer FFC XXXVII 90 No. 125b. — Bushman: Bleek and Lloyd 76.
A2063. Creation of cricket. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2064. Creation of grasshopper. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2070. Creation of miscellaneous insects.
A2091. Origin of spider. [1] (Cf. A1751.) — Finnish: Aarne FFC VIII 22 No. 122; India: Thompson-Balys.
A2091.1. Arachne transformed to spider: vies with goddess in spinning. Greek: Roscher Lexikon s.v. "Arachne".
A2231.5. Spider vies with Virgin Mary in spinning: cursed. D181. Transformation: man to spider.
A2092. Origin of scorpion. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2092.1. Origin of leaf-scorpion. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2093. Origin of mantis. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2094. Creation of fireflies. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2095. Creation of lac insects. India: Thompson-Balys.

A2100—A2199. Creation of fish and other animals.


A2100. Creation of fish. India: Thompson-Balys; Jewish: Neuman; Hawaii: Beckwith Myth; 287, 422; Tuamotu: Stimson MS (z—G 3/1100); S. Am. Indian: (Toba): Métraux MAFLS XL 84.
A2110. Creation of particular fishes.
A2111. Creation of pike. Lappish: Qvigstad FFC LX 39 No. 56.
A2112. Creation of mullet. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 63.
A2115. Origin of olachen. Tahltan: Teit JAFL XXXII 203f.
A2121. Creation of mackerel. Dh I 156.
A2122. Origin of bonito. Tonga: Buford 57.
A2125. Origin of salmon. Tahltan: Teit JAFL XXXII 206.
A2126. Origin of flounder.
A2126.0.1. Origin of flounder from Virgin Mary's half-eaten fish. (See A2305.1.2.) — *Dh II 1ff. — Finnish: Aarne FFC VIII 21 No. 116, XXXIII 55 No. 116; Livonian: Loorits FFC LXVI 91 No. 91; Esthonian: Aarne FFC XXV 149 No. 64; Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3180, Legends No. 282.
A2126.1. Origin of sole. New Hebrides: Codrington 372.
A2127. Origin of catfish. India: Thompson-Balys.
D177. Transformation: man (woman) to catfish.

  1. In folk thought the spider is classed as an insect and not with the other arachnida.