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Motif-Index of Folk-Literature
A2284.5. Coyote persuaded to break leg: therefore has thin right leg. (Cf. A2371.2.6.) — Dh III 46.
A2284.6. Jackal persuades hyena to jump and break foot. Latter has short left hind foot. (Cf. A2375.2.5.) — Hottentot: Bleek 14 No. 14.
A2286. Animal characteristics established by deity. Yunca (Peru): Alexander Lat. Am. Myth 229.
A2286.0.1. God makes serpent ugly. (Cf. A2402.1, A2494.) — Finnish: Aarne FFC VIII 19 No. 109.
A2286.1. Creation interrupted since God must go to a fire.
A2286.1.0.1. Animal characteristics because creator had not enough time to finish what he began. S. Am. Indian (Caingang): Métraux BBAE CXLIII (1) 474.
A2286.1.1. Creation of hog incomplete since God has to go to a fire: cause of hog's round snout. (Cf. A2335.4.2.) — Dh III 24, 493. — Finnish: Aarne FFC VIII 12 No. 65.
A2286.2. Animal characteristics result of contest between God and devil.
A2286.2.1. Devil's animals devour God's. God makes white fish, devil a pike to eat it up; God a worm, devil a frog to eat it, etc. (Cf. A1751.) — Finnish: Aarne FFC VIII 20 No. 115; Estonian: Aarne FFC XXV 149 No. 63.
A2286.2.2. Devil gives horse four eyes; God reduces them to two. Esthonian: Aarne FFC XXV 144 No. 33.
A2286.2.3. Devil's cows one-horned; God makes them two-horned. (Cf. A2326.3.1.) — Livonian: Loorits FFC LXVI 88 No. 63.
A2286.2.4. God changes color (tails) of devil's cows. Devil makes all animals of same color (or all tailless). When God makes them of different colors (or with tails) devil no longer recognizes them. (Cf. A2378.1.) — Esthonian: Aarne FFC XXV 146 No. 47; Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3083, Legends Nos. 134—137.
A2287. Jesus causes animal characteristics. (Cf. A2221, A2231.)
A2287.1. Jesus drives evil spirits into hogs: hence short snouts. (Cf. A2335.4.1.) — Dh II 81. — Finnish: Aarne FFC VIII 12 No. 66.
A2287.1.1. Jesus drives evil spirits into hogs: hence "toes" on back of foreleg. (Cf. A2371.2.2.) — Dh II 82.
A2291. Animal characteristics obtained during deluge. Jewish: Neuman; Achawoi: Alexander Lat. Am. 270.
A1020. Escape from deluge. A2211.7. Birds cling to sky in flood: cause of tall colors. A2232.4. Griffin disdains to go on ark; drowned: hence extinct. A2234.1. Raven does not return to Noah: must suffer thirst and break bill. A2214.3. Unicorn thrown from ark and drowned: hence they no longer exist. A2382.1. Magpie is hybrid of dove and raven; was not baptized by water of the flood in Noah's time. B754.4. Male rabbit bears young. Female rabbit escaped Noah on ark and drowned.
A2292. Animal characteristics: change for convenience. India: *Thompson-Balys.
A2294. Wild animals lose their ferocity through fear of Behemoth. Jewish: Neuman.