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A. Mythological Motifs
A2520. Disposition of animals.
A2521. Why animal is sad.
A2521.1. Why turtle-dove is sad. Sébillot RTP III 159.
A2522. Why animal is disliked.
A2522.1. Why sparrow is disliked. Sébillot RTP III 159.
A2522.2. Why shrike is disliked. Sébillot RTP III 159.
A2522.3. Why white ants are a pest. Africa (Gold Coast): Barker and Sinclair 67 No. 7.
A2522.4. Why skunk is disliked. Inca: Krickeberg Märchen der Azteken und Inkaperuaner 254.
A2522.5. Why crow is disliked. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2522.6. Why wren is disliked. Irish myth: Cross.
A2522.7. Why fly is hated. Africa (Fang): Tressman 79ff.
A2523. Why animal is evil. Jewish: Neuman.
A2523.1. Why hog has evil spirit. (See A2287.1.)
A2523.2. Why snakes are proud. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2523.2.1. Why rattlesnake is dangerous. S. Am. Indian (Toba): Métraux MAFLS XL 69.
A2524. Why animal is pugnacious (brave, bold).
A2524.1. Why grizzly bears are pugnacious. Kaska: Teit JAFL XXX 448.
A2524.2. Why sandpiper (machetis pugnax) fights. Finnish: Aarne FFC XXXIII 54 No. 104**.
A2524.3. Why bears attack men. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2524.4. Why fish attack anything they find. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2524.5. Why lion is brave. Jewish: Neuman.
A2524.6. Why dog is bold. Jewish: Neuman.
A2525. Why animals are deceptive.
A2525.1. Why hare is deceptive. Ila (Rhodesia): Smith and Dale 375 No. 1.
A2525.2. Why crab is cunning. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2525.3. Why fox is sly. Jewish: Neuman.
A2526. Why animals are unrestrained.
A2526.1. Why dog lacks restraint. Ojibwa: Jones JAFL XXIX 369.
A2527. Why animal is vain.
A2527.1. Why cock is vain and selfish. Jewish: Neuman.
A2527.2. Why peacock is vain. Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 8.