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A. Mythological Motifs
A2791.10. Why sago palm gives abundant sap. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2791.11. Why fruit of date palm looks like breasts of old woman. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2791.12. Why the bija tree is often struck by lightning. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2791.13. Why the roots of the banyan hang down. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2792. Sundry characteristics of shrubs.
A2792.1. Why bush holds on to passer-by. (See A2275.5.3, A2741.4.)
A2793. Sundry characteristics of grains and vegetables.
A2793.1. Why bean has black stripe. (See A2741.1.)
A2793.1.1. Why beans bear everywhere. Chinese: Graham.
A2793.2. Why grain of wheat is divided. Flemish: DeMeyer FFC XXXVII. 90 No. 126b.
A2793.2.1. Why wheat must be planted in one year and harvested in the next. Chinese: Graham.
A2793.3. Why some yams are good, some bad. (See A2741.2.)
A2793.4. Why potatoes are hard. (See A2721.3.2.)
A2793.5. Why grain grows only at top of stalk (punishment for men's sinfulness). Grimm No. 194; BP III 417ff.; Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3220, Legends Nos. 305—313; Cheremis: Sebeok-Nyerges.
A2793.5.1. Why corn does not yield in the middle. Chinese: Graham.
A2793.6. Origin of shapes of grain. Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3221, Legends Nos. 315—322.
A2793.7. Why rice is so abundant. Chinese: Graham.
A2793.8. Why millet is red on top. Chinese: Graham.
A2793.9. Why buckwheat produces twice a year. Chinese: Graham.
A2794. Sundry characteristics of vegetables.
A2794.1. Why mushrooms are slimy. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2794.2. Why yams are small but plentiful in certain place. New Hebrides: Codrington No. II 3.
A2795. Sundry characteristics of flowers.
A2795.1. Why some flowers have no scent. India: Thompson-Balys.

A2800—A2899. Miscellaneous explanations.


A2811. Origin of silk. Chauvin VII 59 No. 77 n. 1.
A2812. Origin of musk. Chauvin VII 59 No. 77 n. 1.