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B0—B99. Mythical animals.

B0. Mythical animals.
Lum (Peter) Fabulous Beasts (New York, 1951). — Irish myth: Cross; Jewish: Neuman.
A113. Totemistic gods, having animal associations. A131. Gods with animal features. A132. God in animal form. A417.1. Beast guardians of the four quarters of the world. A522. Animal as culture hero. A1700—2199. Creation of animal life. A2200—2599. Animal characteristics. D1840.2. Magic invulnerability of animals. F167.1. Animals in other world. F234.1. Fairy in form of an animal. F980. Extraordinary occurrences concerning animals.
B1. Animal elders. Mythical ancestors of the present animals. — Irish myth: Cross. — N. A. Indian: *Alexander N. Am. 292 No. 40, ibid. 69 (Cherokee), 81 (Pawnee), 156 (Navaho).
A1614.1.2. Origin of "goat-heads" from curse of Ham. A2210. Animal characteristics: change in ancient animal.
B1.1. Angels of animals. Each kind of animal has its angel in heaven. Jewish: Neuman.
B2. Animal totems. Irish myth: Cross.
A113. Totemistic gods. B630. Offspring of marriage to animal. C221.2. Tabu: eating totem animal. C841. Tabu: killing certain animals. V12.4. Animal as sacrifice.
B2.1. Dog as totem animal. Irish myth: Cross.
B5. Fantastic beasts, birds, etc., in art. Irish myth: Cross.
B7. Animals in the heavens.
B7.1. Animals rule celestial spheres. Jewish: Neuman.
B7.2. Mythical animals surround God's throne. Jewish: Neuman.
B7.3. Mythical bird running before the sun bears inscription of golden letters. Jewish: Neuman.
B10. Mythical beasts and hybrids.
B11. Dragon. **Smith Dragon; *Fb Drager, lindorme, slanger i folkets tro (Særtryk af Naturen og Mennesket, 1894, pp. 164—196); *Nyrop Dania II 341ff.; *Róheim Drachen und Drachenkämpfer; *Hdwb. d. Abergl. II 364 ff.; Meyer Germanische Mythologie (1891) 95ff.; **Du Bose The Dragon, Image and Demon (London, 1886); Norlind Skattsägner 44f., 77f., Solheim Register 17; Danish: Kristensen Danske Sagn II (1893) 133ff., 176ff., (1928) 119ff. — *Type 300; *BP I 547. — Icel.: MacCulloch Eddic 216; Celtic: *Henderson Celtic Dragon Myth (Edinburgh, 1911), *Cross; Lettish: Auning Ueber den lettischen Drachenmythus; Armenian: Ananikian 76ff; Jewish: Neuman; Chinese: Ferguson 101; India: Thompson-Balys; Korean: Zong in-Sob 169, No. 73.
A139.3. Dragon god. A162.2. Combat between god of light and dragon of ocean. A1072.4. Fettered monster as dragon. A1142.2. Thunder from flying dragon. A1265. Men created from sown dragon's teeth. A2001.