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Motif-Index of Folk-Literature
B11.3.8. Dragon lives in isolated island. German: Grimm No. 129.
B11.4. Dragon's habits.
B11.4.1. Flying dragon (Cf. B11.2.1.11.) — BP III 423; *Fb "drage" (flies over the mountain). — Icel.: MacCulloch Eddic 319, 345; *Boberg; Greek myth: *Frazer Apollodorus I 38 n. 2 (air-going chariot and dragons); Irish myth: Cross; India: Thompson-Balys.
B40. Bird-beasts. F796. Dragon seen in sky.
B11.4.2. Dragon as giver of omens. Smith Dragon 97.
D1812.5. Future learned through omens.
B11.4.3. Sleepless dragon. Greek Myth (Jason): *Frazer Apollodorus I 95 n. 2.
B11.4.4. Dragon travels on sea or land. Irish myth: Cross.
B11.4.5. Talking dragon. Irish myth: Cross.
B123. Wise serpent. B211. Animal uses human speech.
B11.5. Powers of dragon.
B11.5.1. Dragon's power of self-transformation. Chinese: Werner 223.
B11.5.2. Dragon's power of magic invisibility. Chinese: Werner 209.
D1361. Magic object renders invisible. D1980. Magic invisibility.
B11.5.3. Dragon's miraculous vision. Can see a fly miles away. — Africa (Gold Coast): Barker and Sinclair 97 No 18.
B11.5.4. Dragon's miraculous speed. Gold Coast: Barker and Sinclair 97 No. 18.
B11.5.5. Self-returning dragon's head (Cf. B11.2.3, B11.11.2.) — *Type 300; BP I 547; Eng.: Baughman; Greek: Fox 81 (hydra). — Onondaga: Beauchamp JAFL II 261.
D1602.12. Self-returning head. E783. Vital head. F531.1.2.6. Giant's self-returning head.
B11.6. Deeds of dragons.
B11.6.1. Dragon helps hero out of gratitude. Dickson Valentine and Orson 121 n. 64.
B11.6.1.2. Grateful dragon saves hero and rescues him from prison. Chinese: Eberhard 180.
B11.6.2. Dragon guards treasure. *Norlind Skattsägner 77f.; Gould Scandinavian Studies and Notes IX (1917) 170 No. 4; Penzer III 133; Smith Dragon 157—165; Finnish-Swedish; Wessman 76, 78 Nos. 632, 657; Icel.: Boberg; Danish: Kristensen Danske Sagn II (1893) 133ff., (1928) 119ff., III (1895) 454ff., (1931) 311ff.; Greek: *Grote I 219; U.S.: Baughman; Wienert FFC LVI 37; Phaedrus IV 21; Chinese: Werner 209.
B11.1.3. Dragon from transformed man lying on his treasures. B576.2. Animal guards treasure. D950.0.1. Magic tree guarded by serpent (dragon). H335.7. Suitor task: to kill treasure-guarding snake lying around the princess' chamber. N511.4. Treasure found in snake hole. N557. Serpent guards treasure. N570. Guardian of treasure.
B11.6.2.1. Dragon must give up treasure when steel is thrown on him. Fb "stål". III 647a; Finnish-Swedish: Wessman 76 No. 632.
B11.6.2.2. Serpents play with precious green stone. Icel.: *Boberg.