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B. Animals
B17.1.2.3. Transformed man as hostile dog. Irish myth: Cross.
D141. Transformation: man to dog.
B17.1.3. Hostile cattle. Irish myth: Cross. (Cf. B15.1.5.2.)
B17.1.4. Hostile horse. Irish myth: Cross.
B181.7. Magic horse avenges hero's death.
B17.1.4.1. Infuriated horses kill driver. Irish myth: Cross.
B17.1.5. Hostile cat. Irish myth: Cross (B16.1.4).
B17.2. Other hostile animals. Irish myth: Cross.
B17.2.1. Hostile sea-beasts. Irish myth: Cross.
B61. Leviathan. B91.5. Sea-serpent. G308. Sea-monster.
B17.2.1.1. Hostile sea-rat. Irish myth: Cross.
B70. Fish-beast.
B17.2.1.2. Hostile eel attacks hero. Irish myth: Cross.
B15.7.12. Eel with fiery mane. R262. Magic eel pursues man over land.
B17.2.1.3. Hostile sea-cat. Irish myth: Cross.
B73. Sea-cat.
B17.2.2. Hostile griffin. Irish myth: Cross.
B42. Griffin.
B17.2.3. Hostile raven.
B17.2.3.1. Raven plucks out men's eyes. India: Thompson-Balys.
B17.2.4. Hostile scorpion.
B17.2.4.1. Scorpion scoops out men's eyes. India: Thompson-Balys.
B18. Behemoth: mythical gigantic animal. Jewish: Neuman.
B19. Other mythical beasts. Fb "solulv".
A673. Hound of hell. A878.3.1. Hart(s) eating of the earth-tree. A878.3.2. Chattering squirrel in the earth-tree.
B19.1. Brazen-footed, fire-breathing bulls. (Cf. B15.6, B15.5) — Frazer Apollodorus I 109 n. 4, 110 n. 1.
A141.1. God makes automata and vivifies them. Hephaistos thus makes brazen giant, brazen-footed bulls, and gold and silver dogs. B182.3. Magic bull. B742. Animal breathes fire.
B19.2. Nectar-yielding cow. Hindu: Keith 37.
B182. Magic cow. B530. Animals nourish man. D1472. Food and drink from magic object. D1665.2. Cow whose milk tastes like honey and intoxicating wine.
B19.2.1. The cow Audhumla. Icel.: MacCulloch Eddic 324.
A14. Cow as creator.
B19.3. Horse born of egg. Mythical hero will come riding on such a horse. — Fb "Holger Danske" I 640b, "æg" III 1142b.
A580. Culture hero's expected return. B12.1. Basilisk hatched from cock's egg. B710. Fanciful origin of animal. B811.1. Helpful horses descended from heaven.
B19.3.1. Immortal horses. Greek: Grote I 11.
B19.3.2. Mythical horse belonging to water-spirit. S. A. Indian: Toba Métraux MAFLS XL 50.