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B. Animals
Danish: Kristensen Danske Sagn III (1895) 167ff., (1931) 117ff.; Irish myth: Cross; Eng., Wales: Baughman.
B563.4. Animal leads cleric to holy place. V111.3.1. Birds indicate the site where a church is to be built.
B155.1.0.1. Building site determined by other action of animal. Irish myth: Cross.
B155.2. City founded on spot where cow lies down. Greek: Frazer Apollodorus I 315 n. 1, II 38 n. 1; India: Thompson-Balys.
B155.2.1. Village founded on spot when cock crows, dog barks, and mithian bellows. India: Thompson-Balys.
B155.2.2. Location of settlement at place a cow stops and where milk flows by itself. India: Thompson-Balys.
B155.2.3. Birds indicate the place where a town (castle) is to be built. Krappe Revue de l' histoire des Religions CXIV (1936) 236—246.
V111.3.1. Birds indicate site where a church is to be built.
B155.2.4. Pursued animal indicates where city is to be built. India: Thompson-Balys.
B155.3. Animal determines burial place of saint. Günter Christliche Legende des Abendlandes 55; Sloet De Dieren in het Germanische Volksgeloof in Volksgebruik 153f.; Irish myth: Cross; Jewish: Neuman.
B155.4. Neighing of horse indicates important spot. Korean: Zong in-Sob IV No. 2.
B157. Animal leads searchers.
B157.1. Whistling of bird leads searcher. Calif. Indian: Gayton and Newman 68.
B159. Miscellaneous oracular animals.
B159.1. Birds drop quill when man requires pen. Irish myth: Cross.
B159.2. Horse lies down when grain of wheat falls from load. Irish myth: Cross.
B159.3. Cleric goes with saint whom his cow follows. Irish myth: Cross.
B159.4. Vulture's chicks will not eat dead hero's leg, since they know he has been treacherously murdered. India: Thompson-Balys.
B160. Wisdom-giving animals. India: Thompson-Balys.
A1591.1. Burial learned from watching raven bury its dead. D1300. Magic object gives supernatural wisdom. D1319. Magic object gives supernatural information. D1811. Magic wisdom. Q552.4. Ear of stolen animal protrudes from thief's mouth.
B161. Wisdom from serpent. *Cox 496 n. 32; Fb "hugormekonge" IV 225a; *Scott Thumb 173. — Irish myth: Cross. — Armenian: Ananikian 74; India: Thompson-Balys.
B123. Wise serpent. B165.1. Animal languages learned from serpent. B217.1.1. Animal languages learned from eating serpent. B491. Helpful serpent. D1032. Magic meat.
B161.1. Power of soothsaying from serpents' licking ears. (Cf. B165.1.1., B176.) Frazer Apollodorus II 48 n. 2.
B161.2. Fortune learned from serpent. Fb "orm" II 759b.