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Motif-Index of Folk-Literature
B184.2.3.1. Magic bull to be flayed. The bull orders the hero (heroine) to flay him and to use his skin for magic purposes. (Cf. B192, B335, B411.1.) — Cox Cinderella 365 (Swedish). — Wyandot: Thompson CColl II 412.
D1025. Magic skin of animal.
B184.2.3.2. Magic bull can be milked. Irish myth: Cross.
B184.2.3.3. Indra sends down buffalo whose milk is offered to the saints. India: Thompson-Balys.
B184.2.4. Magic ox. Jewish: Neuman.
B184.2.5. Magic calf. Jewish Neuman.
B184.3. Magic swine.
B16.4. Giant devastating boar. B16.4.3. Magic swine blight corn and milk. B16.4.4. Magic swine make land sterile. B192.1. Magic pig burned to prevent resuscitation. D1281.1. Magic dead pig. D1359.3.2. Happiness from eating magic pig. D1449.3. Swine summoned out of magic harp. D1500.2.5. Eating magic pig prevents disease. D1652.1.9. Inexhaustible pig. E155.5. Slain pigs revive nightly. F989.8. Swine kick trees to cause fruit to fall. H1331.2. Quest for marvelous boar (pig). K525.4. Animal jumps out of skin so that only skin is caught. Q482.2. Magic swine cause robbers to be drowned.
B184.3.0.1. Magic swine issue from elf-mound. Irish myth: Cross.
F234.1.3. Fairy in form of wild boar. F241.3.1. Fairy swine.
B184.3.0.2. Magic swine disappear underground. Irish myth: Cross.
F241.0.1. Fairy animal hunted.
B184.3.0.3. Magic red swine. Irish myth: Cross.
D1293.1. Red as magic color.
B184.3.0.4. Magic swine transformed person. Irish myth: Cross.
D136. Transformation: man to swine.
B184.3.0.5. Herd of magic swine that cannot be counted twice with the same result. Irish myth: Cross.
B184.3.1. Magic boar. Meyer Germanische Mythologie (1891) 102; Irish myth: Cross; Icel.: Boberg.
B184.3.1.1. Magic boar drowns houndpack. Irish myth: Cross.
B184.3.2. Magic pig.
B184.3.2.1. Magic invisible pig. Irish myth: Cross.
D1980. Magic invisibility.
B184.3.2.2. Magic pig turns water into wine for nine days. Irish myth: Cross.
B119.1. Dog (whose skin) turns water to wine. D477.1. Transformation: water becomes wine.
B184.3.2.3. Skin of magic pig heals wounds. Irish myth: Cross.
D1503.2. Magic pigskin heals wounds.
B184.4. Magic deer. Irish myth: Cross.
B184.5. Magic goat.
B184.5.1. Magic fighting goat. India: Thompson-Balys.
B184.6. Magic sheep. Irish myth: Cross.
B16.19. Destructive sheep. B19.4.3. Sheep with fiery collar. D1652.14. Sheep with inexhaustible wool.