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B. Animals

B251.4.1. Beast invokes saint's protection. Irish myth: Cross.
B211.17. Speaking sea-beast. D1766.10. Magic results produced in name of saint.
B251.4.1.1. Wild beast seeks protection of saint against hunters. *Loomis White Magic 61f.
B251.5. Animals fast. Irish myth: Cross (B251.4).
B251.6. Animals keep religious precepts. India: Thompson-Balys.
B251.7. Animal makes religious oath.
B251.7.1. Wolf swears by God. Jewish: Neuman.
B251.8. Animals observe sacred revelation.
B251.8.1. Singing of birds ceases at time of revelation. Jewish: Neuman.
B251.9. Animals make religious responses. Jewish: Neuman.
B251.10. Animals lick Christ-child. Irish myth: Cross.
D1775. Magic results from licking. V211.1. Christ.
B252. Animal churchmen.
P120. Church dignitaries.
B252.1. Animal monks. Irish: Plummer Vitae Sanctorum Hiberniae cxli.; Irish myth: Cross.
B252.2. Birds (in otherworld) call at canonical hours. Irish myth: Cross.
V48. The canonical hours.
B252.3. Priest of snakes. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2777.1. Why fig tree is Chief Priest of the trees.
B253. Animals perform offices of church.
B253.1. Snakes have mass. Swiss: Jegerlehner Oberwallis 310 No. 34.
B253.2. Wolves have annual (church) feast. Irish myth: Cross.
B253.3. Fox fasts as penance. (Cf. B251.4.) — Irish myth: Cross.
P623. Fasting (as means of distraint). Q520. Penances.
B253.4. Spider performs penance. India: Thompson-Balys.
B253.5. The deer with a cross carried between their horns. *Loomis White Magic 61.
B253.6. Deer with candles on the tops of their antlers. *Loomis White Magic 61.
B255. Miracle wrought for animal. Irish myth: Cross; Jewish: Neuman.
V221.4.0.1. Saint cures frenzied animal. V224.4. Performing fox accidentally killed, miraculously replaced by saint.
B256. Animal as servant of saint. (Cf. B292.) — *Loomis White Magic 63; Irish myth: Cross; Irish: Plummer cxliiff.
B300. Helpful animal. B570. Animals serve men.
B256.0.1. Animal deluded by saint. Irish myth: Cross.
B256.1. Birds nest in saint's hand (cowl). — Saints' legend (Irish): Plummer cxlvi.; Irish myth: Cross.
B256.1.1. Birds perch on hands and head of saint. Irish myth: Cross.