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Works indicated with an asterisk have been examined with some thoroughness for motifs. Those marked with ☉ have been indexed according to the present work and have references only to motif-numbers. Books infrequently cited are not listed here.

AA n.s. = American Anthropologist, new series. Washington, 1899 ff.

AA o.s. = American Anthropologist, old series. 11 vols. Washington, 1888—1898.

*Aarne, Antti. Vergleichende Märchenforschungen (MSFO XXV). Helsingfors, 1907.

Africa. London, 1928 ff.

Alarcon, J. de Canedo, and Ricardo Pittini. El Chaco Paraguayo y sus tribos. Turin, 1924.

*Alexander N. Am. = Alexander, H. B. North American Mythology (The Mythology of all Races X). Boston, 1916.
*Lat. Am. = Latin American Mythology (The Mythology of all Races XI). Boston, 1920.

*Alphabet = Banks, M. M. An Alphabet of Tales, an English 15th century translation of the Alphabetum Narrationum of Etienne de Besançon (EETS Nos. 126, 127). 2 vols. London, 1904—05.

*Ananikian, Mardiros H. Armenian Mythology (The Mythology of all Races VII). Boston, 1925.

*Anderson, W. Nordasiatische Flutsagen (Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Dorpatensis B IV iii [1923]).

Andree, R. Die Flutsagen. Braunschweig, 1891.
Ethnographische Parallelen und Vergleiche. Stuttgart, 1878.
Neue Folge, Leipzig, 1889.

*Andrejev, A. N. Ukazatel' Skazočnik Sjuzhetov po Systeme Aarne (Gosud. russ. geogr. obščestvo, otd. etnogr. skazočnaya komissiya). Leningrad, 1929.

Anesaki, Masaharu. Japanese Mythology (The Mythology of all Races VIII). Boston, 1928.

Anssaga Bogsveigis (FAS II 324 ff.).

*Arfert, P. Das Motiv von der unterschobenen Braut. Rostock, 1897.

Argonautica of Apollonius Rhodius (ed. G. W. Mooney). London, 1912.

Arnason, Jón. Íslenzkar þjoðsögur og æfintyri. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1862—64.

Arv. (Tidskrift for Nordisk Folkminnesforskning). Uppsala, 1944 ff.

ASB = Altnordische Saga-Bibliothek (ed. G. Cederschiöld and E. Mogk). 18 vols. Halle a. S., 1892—1929.

Asbjørnson, P. Chr. and Moe, J. Norske Folkeeventyr. 3d edition. Kristiania, 1896.

Asmundarsaga Kappabana (FAS II 460 ff.).

Auning, R. Ueber den lettischen Drachenmythus (Magazin der lettischlitterärischen Gesellschaft XIX 1—128). Mitau, 1891.