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B. Animals
B331.3. Faithful parrot killed by mistake. India: Thompson-Balys.
B332. Too watchful dog killed. Icel.: *Boberg.
B335. Helpful animal killed by hero's enemy. *Types 510, 533; *BP III 60ff.; *Cox Cinderella 477 n. 7. — India: *Thompson-Balys; Japanese: Ikeda. — N. A. Indian (Menomini): Hoffman RBAE XIV 236.
B133.4. Speaking horse-head. The helpful magic horse is killed.
B335.1. Man attempts to kill faithful serpent at wife's instigation. Loses everything. — *Krappe Bulletin Hispanique XXXIX 20 No. 73. — *Ward III 208; *Oesterley Gesta Romanorum No. 141; *Warnke Die Quellen des Esope der Marie de France 221.
K2213. Treacherous wife.
B335.1.1. Treacherous wife forces husband to kill helpful dog. India: Thompson-Balys.
B335.2. Life of helpful animal demanded as cure for feigned sickness. Penzer V 127 n. 1; India: *Thompson-Balys.
D866.2. Magic object destroyed because of feigned sickness. H1212. Quest assigned because of feigned illness. K961. Flesh of certain animal alleged to be only cure for disease: animal to be killed. K2091. Illness feigned in order to learn secret. S268.1. Sacrifice of child demanded as cure for feigned sickness. S322.4.1. Banishment of stepchildren demanded as cure for feigned illness. S322.7. Life of children demanded as cure for feigned illness.
B335.3. Unsuccessful attempt by enemy to kill helpful animal. India: Thompson-Balys.
B335.4. Wife demands magic parrot who has accused her. India: Thompson-Balys.
B131.3. Bird betrays women's infidelity. J551.1. Cocks who crow about mistress's adultery killed. J1154.1. Parrot unable to tell husband details as to wife's infidelity. K1510. Adulteress outwits husband.
B335.5. Faithful animal killed in battle. Icel.: *Boberg.
B335.6. A small animal (hare, bitch) gives timely warnings to the hero about the trap prepared by his enemy. Animal warning about trap killed. — Lithuanian: Balys Index Nos. *452f.
B335.7. Helpful cow to be killed because of refusal to help stepdaughter. Chinese: Graham.
B336. Helpful animal killed (threatened) by ungrateful hero. — Spanish Exempla: Keller. — Africa (Hausa): Mischlich Neue Märchen aus Afrika 164ff. No. 22, Frobenius Atlantis IX 277ff., 287ff., Nos. 74 and 75, (Swahili): Steere Swahili Tales 13ff., Meinhof Afrikanische Märchen 9ff. No. 1, Bateman Zanzibar Tales 99ff. No. 7.
W154. Ingratitude.
B338. Weapons made from bones of helpful horse. India: Thompson-Balys.
B339. Death of helpful animal — miscellaneous.
B339.1. Truth-telling dog killed so as to hide murder. India: Thompson-Balys.
B340. Treatment of helpful animals — miscellaneous.
B341. Helpful animal's injunctions disobeyed. Disaster follows. — Type 531; MacCulloch Childhood 229; Missouri French: Carrière; N. A. Indian (Menomini): Hoffman RBAE XIV 183, (Zuñi): Cushing 54.