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B. Animals
B455.1. Helpful vulture. Greek: Grote I 105; India: *Thompson-Balys.
B455.2. Helpful falcon. Italian Novella: Rotunda.
B172.5. Magic falcon gets water of life for hero.
B455.3. Helpful eagle. See references in B322.1. — *Fb "fjer", "ørn" IV 1183b; Köhler-Bolte I 545, 560, *561; Reinhard PMLA XXXVIII 433 nn. 24, 26; Gaster Exempla 186 No. 5; Fables: Halm Aesop Nos. 92, 120, Babrius No. 144, Wienert FFC LVI 70 (ET 338, 339), 127 (ST 353). — Irish myth: Cross; Greek: Fox 118; Finnish: Kalevala rune 7; Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. "oiseau", "nid". — Missouri French: Carrière; Jewish: Neuman; India: Thompson-Balys. — German New Guinea: Dixon 141f.; Africa (Vai): Ellis 242 No. 49.
B522.4. Eagle carries off abandoned child. B542.1.1. Eagle carries man to safety.
B455.4. Helpful hawk. Scottish: Campbell-McKay No. 1; India: Thompson-Balys.
B455.5. Helpful kite (bird). Hindu: *Penzer IV 192 n. 1; India: *Thompson-Balys.
B457. Helpful birds — charidriiformes.
B457.1. Helpful dove. (Cf. B362.) — Fable: Halm Aesop No. 296, Wienert FFC LVI 59 (ET 201), 127 (ST 356); Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. "talisman". — Missouri-French: Carrière; Italian Novella: Rotunda. — Jewish: Neuman; Irish myth: Cross; India: *Thompson-Balys.
A2221.7. Dove returns to ark in obedience to Noah. E754.2.1. Souls carried to heaven by doves. V231.1. Angel in bird's shape.
B457.2. Helpful pigeon. Jewish: Neuman.
B461. Helpful birds — coraciiformes.
B461.1. Helpful woodpecker. Africa (Shangani): Bourhill and Drake 43ff. No. 5, (Fjort): Dennett 74ff. No. 16.
B461.2. Helpful owl. India: Thompson-Balys.
B463. Helpful birds — ciconiiformes.
B463.1. Helpful sea-bird. Type 554*. — Saints' legend (Irish): Plummer cxlvi; Irish myth: Cross.
B463.2. Helpful heron. India: *Thompson-Balys; S. A. Indian (Ceuici): Alexander Lat. Am. 304.
B463.3. Helpful crane. India: *Thompson-Balys; Japanese: Ikeda, Anesaki 323. — N. A. Indian: Thompson Tales 340 n. 227.
Q557.8. Saint's pet crane picks out eye of spying person. R246. Cranebridge. Fugitives are helped across a stream by a crane who lets them cross on his leg.
B463.4. Helpful stork. Hartland Science 194; India: *Thompson-Balys.
B469. Helpful birds — miscellaneous.
B469.1. Helpful grebe. Madagascar (Imerina): Ferrand Contes populaires Malgaches 102ff. No. 32.
B469.2. Helpful swan. Irish myth: Cross; Saints' legend (Irish): Plummer cxlvi. — Hindu: Keith 108; India: *Thompson-Balys.
D361.1. Swan maiden. H411.17. Swan as chastity test.