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B. Animals
B477. Helpful octopus. Marquesas: Handy 76.
B478. Helpful crab. Africa (Mpongwe): Nassau 41 No. 6; India: *Thompson-Balys.
B480. Helpful insects. India: *Thompson-Balys; Jewish: Neuman; Chinese: Graham.
B481. Helpful insects — hymenoptera.
B481.1. Helpful ant. (Cf. B362.) — Fb "myre". Fable: Halm Aesop No. 296, Wienert FFC LVI 59 (ET 201), 127 (ST 356). — Breton: Sébillot Incidents s.v. "fourmi", "animaux". — Missouri-French: Carrière. — Africa (Fjort): Dennett 126. — India: *Thompson-Balys; Indonesian: Dixon 217, DeVries Volksverhalen I No. 67, II No. 170; Chinese: Graham.
H1091. Task: sorting a large amount of grains (beads, beans, peas) in one night.
B481.2. Helpful termite. Africa (Nao): Held 132ff.
B481.3. Helpful bee. *Fb "bi" IV 36b. — Finnish: Kalevala rune 15; Italian Novella: Rotunda; Jewish: Neuman; Japanese: Ikeda, Anesaki 323.
A33. Bee as God's spy. B259.4. Bees build church of wax to contain consecrated host.
B481.3.1. Helpful bumblebee. Africa (Ganda): Baskerville 8ff.
B481.4. Helpful wasp. *Type 559; Jewish: Neuman; Africa (Madagascar): Sibree FLJ I (1883) 45ff.
B481.5. Helpful hornet. Type 559; Jewish: Neuman; N. A. Indian (Micmac): Rand 42 No. 6.
B482. Helpful insects — coleoptera.
B482.1. Helpful firefly. Indonesian: DeVries Volksverhalen I No. 35, II No. 170.
B482.2. Helpful dungbeetle. Type 559; *BP II 454 n. 1.
B483. Helpful insects — diptera.
B483.1. Helpful fly. Type 772*; Dh II 214. — Africa (Ekoi): Talbot 209; India: *Thompson-Balys.
A2221.2.1. Flies on Christ's body rewarded. B251.7. Fly habitually buzzes when cleric returns from matins. B259.5. Fly, wren, fox live with cleric. H322. Suitor test: finding princess.
B483.1.0.1. Fly warns saint against devil hidden in a cup with liquor. *Loomis White Magic 66.
B483.2. Helpful flea. *Chauvin II 197 No. 29.
B484. Helpful insects — lepidoptera.
B484.1. Helpful caterpillar. French Canadian: Sister Marie Ursule (B489.2).
B485. Helpful insects — hemiptera.
B486. Helpful insects — orthoptera.
B486.1. Helpful locusts. Arabian: Burton S VI 9.
B486.2. Helpful cricket. India: *Thompson-Balys.