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Motif-Index of Folk-Literature

B800—B899. Miscellaneous animal motifs.

B800. Miscellaneous animal motifs.
B801. Elephants in folktales. *Penzer I 134.
B802. Horses in tales and legends. (Cf. B41.1, B41.2, B103, B133, B149.1, B151, B181, B811.1.) — **Howey Horse in Magic and Myth passim; *Malten Jahrb. d. Kaiserl. deutschen archäologischen Inst. XXIX (1914) 179ff.
A132.3. Horse deity. F343.9.1. Horses as fairy gifts. K2383. Tying cat to balky horse's tall to make him move. Q589.1. Horses fail when owner refuses load to saint.
B811. Sacred animals. Egyptian: Müller 159ff.; Icel.: Boberg.
A132. God in animal form. A155. Animals of the gods. B11.10.0.1. Sacrifice of animals to dragon. B100. Treasure animals. C65. Tabu: offending sacred animals. C92. Tabu: killing sacred being. Q228. Punishment for trying to harm sacred animal. V1.3. Animal worship. V10. Religious sacrifices. V134.3. Fish in water from certain well: water refuses to boil till fish are returned to well.
B811.1. Sacred horse. (Cf. B802.) — Penzer II 57 n. 1.
A132.3. Horse deity. B181. Magic horse.
B811.1.1. Helpful horses descended from heaven. India: Thompson-Balys.
B811.2. Sacred armadillo. S. A. Indian (Chiriguano): Métraux BBAE CXLIII (3). 484.
B811.3. Sacred animal: cow. India: *Thompson-Balys.
C2211.1.1.1. Tabu: killing and cooking sacred cow.
B811.3.1. Sacred buffalo. India: Thompson-Balys.
B811.3.2. Sacred bull. Jewish: Neuman.
B811.3.3. Sacred cattle of sun god. Greek myth: Grote I 313.
B811.4. Sacred cat. India: Thompson-Balys.
B811.5. Sacred swan. India: Thompson-Balys.
B811.6. Sacred fox. S. A. Indian (Chiriguano): Métraux BBAE CXLIII (3) 484.
B831. Animals try in vain to repair sleigh. They get unsatisfactory materials. — Type 158.
B841. Long-lived animals. — Frazer Pausanias IV 217; **Wesselski Archiv Orientalni IV 1ff.
A1881.0.1. Horse lives from time of Adam on. A1904. The oldest kind. B37. Immortal bird. B124.1. Salmon as oldest and wisest of animals. D1345. Magic object gives longevity. D1857. Magic longevity.
B841.1. Animals debate as to which is the elder. **Wesselski Archiv Orientalni IV 1ff.; *Baum JAFL XXX 378 ff.; India: Thompson-Balys; Korean: Zong in-Sob XXXIII No. 17; Japanese: Ikeda. — Africa (Benga): Nassau 95, 109 Nos. 5, 10, (Fang): Nassau 239 No. 7.
F571.2. Sending to the older. Old person refers inquirer to his father, who refers to his father, and so on for several generations.
B841.2. Ages of animals (birds, fish) compared with age of human beings. Irish myth: Cross.